Martindale Street Intervention(s)

 Stepping Toward a Greener Tomorrow (STGT) is a project developed by Sustainable Calgary in collaboration with Ever Active Schools, Spectacle Bureau of Architecture and Urbanism, and The City of Calgary, that focuses on temporary interventions to improve the daily commutes to school for students in three targeted neighbourhoods experiencing lower average incomes and increasing numbers of new residents. The project promotes the use of active transportation modes such as walking and biking as more environmentally friendly alternatives to travel.

The following design proposals have been put together by our team at Sustainable Calgary, in partnership with students, and draws on feedback provided by the community at large. We trust these help, at least temporarily, create a more useful, safe, comfortable, and interesting environment at this location, which in turn helps encourage more walking and biking. Based on ongoing feedback, permitting, and budgetary constraints, we hope to implement some portion of all of these temporary interventions, once again, in partnership with students. For more information on Stepping Toward a Greener Tomorrow, please click here.

We have designed two street interventions for Martindale, the first one located at École La Mosaïque French School and the second located at Manmeet Singh Bhullar School. To provide you feedback about these projects, please fill out the survey at the bottom of this page.

École La Mosaïque Street Intervention

Manmeet Singh Bhullar Street Intervention

Renderings for Manmeet Singh Bhullar will be uploaded shortly.